Storey Heating Limited: Prices
At this moment in time, many of us are trying to keep costs down. We appreciate that replacing or maintaining your gas central heating system may be a financial worry. That is why we compete strongly on price against the big companies that may charge more than is really necessary.
Please call for a free estimate. Prices depend upon the size of your property, type of installation and the complexity of any repair or service.
We offer free estimates for:
We accept electronic bank transfer, bankers draft cheques and cash. For installations we require a fifty percent deposit in advance to purchase your system, and the other fifty percent upon completion. If necessary, you can make your own finance arrangements with your bank or building society in advance of paying your deposit. In this way, you could spread the cost of a brand new system over a number of years.
Due to the efficiency of modern boilers, you may even save on your energy bills. This may help you to offset some of the cost of your new installation. You will also be helping the environment by reducing your own carbon footprint.
Please contact us for an accurate quotation.